Putnam County Public Library

Library Mission & History

The mission and history of Putnam County Public Library.

Mission Statement

The goal of the Putnam County Public Library is to provide materials, programs, and access to electronic resources that will enrich and satisfy the personal, recreational, and educational needs of its patrons. The Putnam County Public Library will strive to participate in library systems across the state and the nation to obtain the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and reliable information to serve its patrons.

The Putnam County Public Library is a place where reliable information may be found within and for the community. The library acquires materials for the purpose of encouraging the citizens of Putnam County to continuously educate themselves. Special efforts are put forth to provide materials or access to all subjects of interest to all library users regardless of age or education. All patron requests for information are treated with confidentiality and respect, and an attempt is made to obtain that information either in the library’s permanent collection, through interlibrary loan, or through electronic means.

History of Our Library

Putnam County Public Library is located on the east side of the Unionville square in the Summers building. It was formally established on April 2, 1946, but the seed for its growth was planted and nourished by the hard work of citizens back in the 1920’s. A headline in the Unionville Republican on Dec. 16, 1925 reads, “Chance for Library: Beginning of a Good Public Library is Possible Through Cooperation of the People.” County Superintendent Elroy Loughridge and his wife Myrtle volunteered space in the Superintendent’s office to house books for the Putnam County Library. The Presbyterian church had a library of about 200 books which they donated to the library, and it was thought that other citizens would donate books to bring the library collection up to several hundred books right away. Within a month, the library had over 500 books, and Mrs. Bebermeyer volunteered to catalog the books, with Mrs. Loughridge supervising the running of the library. The Unionville grade school and the rural schools contributed both books and money for the library project. The Ladies Civic League put on a fundraiser called the “Womanless Wedding.” This involved local male citizens playing both the male and female parts in the play. Prominent citizens took part, and the event was such a success that it had to be performed twice, netting $184 for the library.

The library soon outgrew the Superintendent’s office and moved to the basement of the courthouse. It was supported by donations and was open a few hours each week, with Mrs. Mary Smith serving as librarian until 1947. Two proposals were placed on the ballot in 1946; one was to create a Putnam County Library District, and the other was to levy a one mill tax for its support. Both passed with a good majority, and the new library was formally re-named Putnam County Public Library. Miss Louise Summers was hired as librarian on March 15, 1947 and she served for a year. The library was moved to the McCalment building on the east side of the square in 1948 and later moved to the Jones building in 1952. The library had a Bookmobile that went to each of the county schools, beginning in 1948. At that time there were 87 school districts and most had schools. Delbert Neighbors ran the Bookmobile from 1948 to 1978 and kept those schools and the towns supplied with library books. When the rural schools closed, he worked at the library another ten years keeping the financial records.

In 1992, the Summers building (the old Royal Theatre) was purchased, and renovation began. Putnam County citizens were generous in their support, with Mary McCalment donating the purchase price of the building. Once again the schools supported the library, with the PC-R1 building trades class and instructor Mark Walsh donating their work preparing the front of the building for new windows and doors. Ceilings were lowered, floors were raised and leveled, new doors and an entry way were installed in the front of the building, and shelving was installed before the building was ready to house the library in 1993. In 2016, the PC Library embarked on a massive renovation and acquiring the building next door to the south (former Community Action Agency). The Friends of the Library and public support allowed the library to expand to the next phase. The PC Library made the decision to place a modest levy on the April, 2017 ballot to continue providing services for future generations. The project was completed in late summer of 2018. Come by the PC Library and utilize all the services offered under one roof. 

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