Renew or Reserve a Book
Lending Policies
The Putnam County Public Library lends books and audio-books for three weeks. Magazines, videos, and music CDs are loaned for one week. Items may be renewed one time, with the exception of materials that are on a current waiting list.
Overdue Policy
Overdue notices will be sent out each month in a timely manner. A call will be made at one week overdue. One week later an overdue card will be sent. The second notice will be sent two weeks after the overdue card is sent if the materials have not been found or the library has not been contacted regarding the materials. This notice will be reviewed and signed by the head librarian. If a patron with a suspended number tries to check out library materials, he will be discreetly refused. The third written notice will be signed by the members of the Library Board of Trustees. Upon receiving the third written notice, the patron’s library privileges will be suspended until the items are returned and fines paid or the material is paid for. Fines will accrue at the rate of 10 cents per day. A $5 re-instatement fee must be paid to re-activate the library card, once the account is cleared up. In order to dispute the fee, the patron must attend a board meeting and bring the item before the Board. The Library Board is the only entity authorized to rescind the charge. If the items are not returned or paid for, the names and addresses will be turned over to the Putnam County Sheriff’s office upon Board approval.
Chronic abusers of the overdue policy may be denied privileges at any time per the vote of the Library Board of Trustees. The patron will receive notification stating such action has been taken. The patron will return overdue materials or make restitution to the library before library privileges will be reinstated. Any patron disagreeing with the decision of the Library Board of Trustees may appeal their decision at the next regularly scheduled library board meeting.
The overdue policy of the Putnam County Public Library is in compliance with the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, Section 570.210, stating that failure to return library materials is a criminal offence.
MO Evergreen
The Putnam County Public Library participates in MO Evergreen, which allows PC Library to ask other libraries to borrow materials from and/or loaning materials to other libraries throughout the state.